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Enhancing Security with Electronic Key Control Systems

Whether you manage a fleet of vehicles, hotel suites, or a university campus, an electronic key management system is an essential part of keeping your assets safe and secure. Matrix’s patented Key Control System sets the standard for secure and customizable asset storage solutions, incorporating innovative technology and design that puts it generations ahead of its competitors.

Tighten Your Security with Individual Compartments

While other electronic key management systems store keys together in a single cabinet, Matrix’s system secures each key in an individual compartment. This allows the system’s admin to fully customize access, including who is authorized to access each compartment and for how long. Each key in a Matrix electronic key management system can only be accessed via personal verification such as swiping a card, entering a code, or through biometric identification (or a combination of them for increased security). This significantly reduces the risk of theft and allows you to be confident knowing where your assets are at all times. 

How Can Matrix’s Electronic Key Management System Help My Business?

Businesses often lose valuable time each day simply trying to locate keys. When all keys are stored in the same compartment, it is easy for a key to be put in the wrong place, an incorrect key to be taken, or for a key to be forgotten in a pocket. In communal key cabinets, it is also difficult to tell which employee took a particular key and when. With Matrix, these concerns are eliminated as each key is stored, secured, and accessed separately.

Each time a key is checked in or out, this interaction is automatically captured both on camera and in an electronic log. You can also configure the electronic key management system so that an employee cannot take out a new key without returning the previous one. If the keys have not been returned in the expected time frame, the system sends an alert to the administrator. A convenient report of all checkouts and returns is automatically sent via email daily, and you can see the status in real-time from your office PC, without the need to approach the system.

How Many Keys Can I Store?

The Matrix Key Control System comes in various sizes to suit your business needs. Our smallest system is the Key Mini, with a starting capacity of 32 keys. Our largest standalone system is the Ultra which can store up to 1,782 keys in a single unit. Your business can install additional units as it grows, making the electronic key management system’s storage capacity virtually unlimited. Alongside keys, drawers can be configured with a range of compartment sizes and depths to store additional assets. For example, our car dealership clients have used the Matrix System to store Toll cards such as E-ZPass and license plates, while our clients in law enforcement have found it a safe and secure way to store firearms. 

Is the Technology Easy to Use?

All models come with an intuitive touch screen device to seamlessly check keys and other assets in and out. We also provide full training at installation and ongoing support as needed. 

How Do I Know the Technology is Reliable?

Matrix Key Control Systems are operating in over 6,000 businesses spanning 75 countries. We invite you to take a moment to read our client testimonials



Ready to learn how the Matrix Key Control System can work for your business? Reach out to us today for an obligation-free chat or a personalized Demo.